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时间:2016-01-06 来源:本站 点击次数:8757


2016年上教留学与全美排名32位的纽约大学 nyu - steinhardt史丹赫学院全面合作!(掌声)


★ nyu - steinhardt是神马?



★ nyu - steinhardt纽约大学史丹赫学院重点推荐专业






专业 major
masters doctoral
应用统计 applied statistics
艺术教育 art education
艺术治疗 art therapy
艺术教育与社会实践 art, education, and community practice
艺术,工作室 art, studio
双语教学 bilingual education
铜管乐器学习 brass studies
商业与职场教育 business and workplace education
商业教育 business education
幼教和特殊教育 childhood and special education
幼教和特殊教育 childhood education
交际功能及障碍研究 communicative sciences and disorders
服装研究及图书馆学 costume studies and library science
服装研究:视觉文化 costume studies: visual culture
学校及双语学校咨询辅导 counseling and guidance: school and bilingual school counseling
心理健康咨询辅导 counseling for mental health and wellness
咨询辅导 博士学位 counseling- phd
舞蹈教育 dance education
职业舞蹈:芭蕾教授法 dance in the professions: abt ballet pedagogy
发展心理学 developmental psychology
数字媒体 digital media
数字教学媒体设计 digital media design for learning
戏剧疗法 drama therapy
幼儿教育及特殊教育 early childhood and special education
幼儿教育 early childhood ed and teaching
教育及犹太学 education and jewish studies
教育与社会政策 education and social policy
教育交流及技术 educational communication and technology
教育领导 educational leadership
教育领导,政策及主张 educational leadership, politics & advocacy
教育领导:双语领导 educational leadership: school building leader
教育领导:学区领导 educational leadership: school district leader
教育性剧院 educational theatre
英语教育 english education
环境保护教育 environmental conservation education
电影配乐 film scoring
民族研究 folk studies
食品研究 food studies
外语教育 foreign language education
教育性游戏 games for learning
高等教育 higher and postsecondary education
高等教育及学生事务 higher education & student affairs
历史教育 history of education
人类发展学 human development
人类发展和社会干预 human development and social intervention
国际教育 international education
爵士研究 jazz studies
lgbt健康、教育及社会服务 lgbt health, education, and social services
文学教育 literacy education
学术教育 math education
媒体、文化及交流 media, culture and communication
媒体、文化及交流及图书馆学(双学位) media, culture, and communication and library science, dual master's
音乐商业 music business
音乐写作 music composition
音乐教育 music education
音乐技术 music technology
音乐疗法 music therapy
音乐剧 musical theater
营养学 nutrition
营养及饮食学 nutrition and dietetics
职业疗法 occupational therapy
打击乐 percussion studies
表演艺术管理 performing arts administration
无聊疗法 physical therapy
钢琴 piano studies
心理学和社会干预 psychology and social intervention
科学教育 science education
社会研究 social studies
社会研究教育 social studies education
教育社会学 sociology of education
作曲 songwriting
特殊教育 special education
对外英语教学 teaching english to speakers of other languages (tesol)
对外英语及法语教学(双学位) teaching french as a foreign language and tesol, dual master's
对外西语及英语教学(双学位) teaching spanish as a foreign language and tesol, dual master's
语言障碍教学 teaching students with speech and language disabilities
视觉艺术 visual arts
视觉艺术管理 visual arts administration
声乐教学法 vocal pedagogy
声乐表演 vocal performance
声乐表演:古典声乐及歌剧研究 vocal performance: classical voice and opera studies
木管乐器研究 woodwind studies
职场学习 workplace learning

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